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Toro Canyon Nursery has a multitude of desert dwelling plant options for those who are looking for easy-care and drought resilient plants.
Toro Canyon Nursery has a multitude of desert dwelling plant options for those who are looking for easy-care and drought resilient plants.
Commonly associated with Mexican heritage and the production of tequila, these desert dwelling perennials are also symbolic of southern California as many species are found widespread in the wild and in many homes and gardens.
Notable of coprosmas are robust waxy green leaves. This plant is a common feature found in many parts of the world including the Hawaiian Islands. Coprosmas produce a bright red or orange non-poisonous fruit found to be a popular treat by many species of birds.
Recognized over the centuries for their medicinal, culinary and aesthetic values, it is no surprise that lavandula are a top seller at Toro Canyon Nursery, Inc. Named after the shade of their flower petals, lavendars are not only an attractive addition to any home or garden but also resilient in the face of heat and dry climates.
While all of California is in a serious drought, Toro Canyon Nursery, Inc. makes a point to offer the community a wide variety of succulent plants including cacti. Succulent is a broad term to define plants that have unique and specialized methods of capturing and storing water. Succulents are often cherished by gardeners for their drought tolerant qualities and often bizarre appearances.
This evergreen plant is native to New Zealand but has found a welcome home in California for its many color options and ability to grow in virtually any environment.